Another Interested Buyer for the Phoenix Coyotes

It is now being reported that the Phoenix Coyotes lost more than $60 million last season. And there are people still interested in keeping the team in Phoenix. Are you kidding me? $67.1 million in net loss, including operating costs, interest and other costs.

Yesterday was the cut off date for the bids to be submitted for the auction. Jerry Reinsdorf has already submitted his bid at $148 million with concessions set up with the city of Glendale.

In a move that probably won’t sit well with Jim Balsillie, former RIM executive, Anthony LeBlanc, along with fellow Canadians Keith McCullough and Daryl Jones, submitted a letter of intent at $150 million. They also think the team could thrive in Phoenix, and plan to utilize Wayne Gretzky more effectively.

Have these people looked at the financial records? Maybe check out how many people actually paid for tickets, and at what price they paying for them?

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