Jamison-Coyotes deal to close by Thursday … Kelly said NHL talked expansion … New arena in Detroit?

Mark Easson
2 Min Read
  • Nick Cotsonika via twitter: Greg Jamison will reportedly close the deal to buy the Phoenix Coyotes before Thursday’s deadline.
  • Elliotte Friedman via twitter: Former NHLPA executive director, Paul Kelly, told city council that the NHL had discussed expanding the NHL to 32 teams with him.
  • Brendan Savage of MLive: Red Wings owners, the Ilitch family, have privately suggested a new arena in Detroit that is owned by the state of Michigan. A $650 million multipurpose arena was proposed last year.

    “While the discussion in November was linked to ownership of the venue, nothing has been disclosed on how construction would be funded or by whom,” said the story written by Bill Shea. “Sports arena financing deals often are a blend of tax dollars and private money, and the Ilitches have stated publicly that their intention is to make a “substantial investment” in what they want to be a public-private partnership.

    “The fund, which can sell low-interest bonds for projects, is an autonomous board within the quasi-public MEDC and was created in 1984 to promote economic development. The fund owns the Cadillac Place office building in Detroit’s New Center area and the Michigan House of Representatives Building (Anderson Office Building) in downtown Lansing, the MEDC said.”

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