Jets to unveil new jersey’s … Holmgren in serious bike accident … Clarke gets invite … Vancouver upset with NHL over riots

Mark Easson
2 Min Read
  • Jason Halstead of the Winnipeg Sun: The Winnipeg Jets will unveil their new jersey’s at 11:00 am (12:00 EST) this morning at a military base. “There’s been a great deal of anticipation about the jerseys, not just from a public standpoint but from business interests too,” he said. “They want to see what it looks like to move forward.”
  • Tim Panaccio of CSNPhilly: Flyers GM Paul Holmgren was in a serious bike accident yesterday with sources saying he suffered broken ribs, a broken shoulder and other injuries that required stitches. Darren Dreger via twitter: It sounds like a car was involved in the accident. Holmgren is beat up, but doing well.
  • Rod Mickleburgh of the Globe and Mail: The City of Vancouver is upset with the NHL for their lack of guidance with rowdy playoff celebrations.

    “In spite of four Stanley Cup riots in the last five years, has no approach, no policy and no apparent strategy to work with host franchises and municipalities on this issue,” says the lengthy internal report to be debated at a special council meeting on Tuesday.”

    From a provincial report: “unfortunate and regrettable” that the NHL has no specific programs to help teams “with the kind of challenge faced that night.”

    The June 15th riot had a policing cost including damages to cars and equipment at $893,800. The total cost of all 4 rounds at almost $2 million.

    A spokesperson from the league:

    “ already has successful programs that ensure responsible fan behaviour in all our game venues,” spokesman Frank Brown said in an e-mailed statement.

    Mr. Brown added that the NHL is “happy to collaborate – and regularly does – with civic officials” when asked to help out with league events.

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