More games could be cancelled soon … Some GMs think season is done … Lack of trust … Mediator wants a shot

Mark Easson
3 Min Read
  • Chris Botta via twitter: A source has said that if there isn’t a new CBA in place within the next 7 days, the NHL will cancel games through December 15th. The next cancellation after that could wipe out the rest of the season.
  • Gord Miller via twitter: Miller spoke with one NHL executive who thinks the season will be lost, and part of next year as well.
  • Nick Cotsonika via twitter: Cotsonika knows some GMs who are telling people that there will be hockey on January 1st. He knows another who is telling people that there won’t be a season.
  • Darren Dreger via twitter: Players keep saying that there is wiggle room, but a league source said that message isn’t getting through.
  • Andy Strickland via twitter: Strickland is having more people admit to him that they are scared as to what this lockout will do to the sport.
  • Sean Fitz-Gerald of the National Post: The players lack of trust for Gary Bettman could explain why things have gone silent after a week of negotiations. The NHL may not trust the players either.

    “Both sides are reluctant to put their best offer on the table because of the history of negotiations,” said one source with knowledge of the business, who requested anonymity given the sensitive period in negotiations.

    “We’ve already made our best offer,” NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly wrote in an email Tuesday. “Maybe its too late to trust them.”

    The players were to receive their 3rd paychecks today.

  • Katie Strang of ESPN: Judge Arthur Boylan is a Blackhawks and Wild fan, and was also a mediator for the NFL and NFLPA during their lockout last year.

    “I’d volunteer to do it for free,” Boylan said in a telephone interview with “I’d love to get this thing done.”

    Both sides have said they are open to mediation, but haven’t decided if they want to go that route. There has been limited contact since Sunday’s meetings.

    “They know the future of the game is in their hands,” he said. “They’d really be blowing this thing if it doesn’t get resolved, it being the second lockout in recent memory. That would be a real disaster for everybody.”

    “Part of the whole thing about mediation is finding common ground, even if it’s something unrelated. You can find camaraderie in anything,” Boylan said. “And boy, there sure are a lot of traditions in hockey and a love for the sport. One thing leads to another and that commonality, that sure goes a long way.”

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