NHL gives the NHLPA a new proposal … A listing of offer details

Mark Easson
4 Min Read

2:28 PM:

  • Dan Rosen via twitter: To get in an 82 game schedual, 1 extra game every 5 weeks per team would be needed.
  • Darren Dreger via twitter: Final details of NHL’s offer were fine tuned over the weekend. NHL worked on it for several days.
  • John Shannon via twitter: Part of the NHL’s offer, salaries for NHLers playing in the AHL would count against the cap.

2:08 PM:
Posting in order as they came in.

  • David Pagnotta via twitter: Bettman said a 50/50 share of HRR. Bettman, “We had a number of significant elements that we believe can and will” results in a deal.
  • Pierre LeBrun via twitter: NHL offer contains a proposal designed to “protect” player salary reductions in the opening years.
  • Darren Dreger via twitter: “NHL intends on calculating lost salary in getting to 50-50 and will pay the players back over time. The payback to the players would occur over the balance of their contracts. “
  • Renaud Lavoie via twitter: Don Fehr, “its not a short offer and we need to read it and understand it. Then we’ll get back with the NHL today or Wednesday.”
  • Bob McKenzie via twitter: “My guess, and only that, is it will be simlarly structured to NHLPA’s first offer, where one side gets greater share of growth in Year 2, 3. Playing with #s is difficult because we don’t know how much damage to HRR may have been done, but here are some general guidelines… It starts as a $3.3B pie, factor in growth, let’s use 5 per cent, to make the total projected pie availabe to NHL-NHLPA at $3.465B. 50 per cent of that is $1.7325B. Players salaries committed for this season expected (by both sides) to be about $1.95B, give or take $25M. Without any “protection” or pay-back plan, that would require first-year discounting of all NHL players contacts at shade over 11 per cent. It’s also a little dangerous to “project” financial numbers like I did because growth could be volatile but ballparking has to do for now.”
  • Elliotte Friedman via twitter: “I’d expect the key thing for players to discuss is what sounds like an NHL offer to “return” whatever is lost on their salaries this season.”
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