Outdoor games and the Phoenix Coyotes attempted sale

Mark Easson
3 Min Read

From twitter unless otherwise noted

  • Elliotte Friedman: Rumors of possible games in New York City and a Heritage Classic in Canada.
  • Dennis Bernstein: An announcement regarding a LA Kings – Anaheim Ducks game at Dodger Stadium could be a month away.
  • David Pagnotta: Source saying Vancouver is “likely” city for Heritage Classic. Would be on a different day than Los Angeles and New York games.
  • The Fourth Period: Source saying final touches being put on Kings game at Dodger Stadium, “basically a done deal.”  The NHL is also in discussions with management at Yankee Stadium about a Rangers game. They are discussing other venues outside of New York. The LA and NY game could be played on the same day, Hockey Day in America. The Heritage Classic game could be played after the Olympic break. There is also talk that there could be a fifth outdoor game. It’s not confirmed, but there is a talk that the Blackhawks could host a game. Unclear if it’s a separate game, or a fallback if a game in New York can’t get finalized, or possibly for the 2015 Winter Classic. Though, the Wild may be getting the next Winter Classic. There won’t be any games played in Europe next season.
  • Craig Custance: Gary Bettman on the sale of the Coyotes: “There seems to be more interest at this particular point in time than we’ve seen throughout the process.”
  • AP in Arizona Republic: Bettman on the Coyotes

    “We’re not planning on moving Phoenix as we stand here today,” he said.

    On possible relocation of the Coyotes.

    “We haven’t been exploring the alternatives,” Bettman said. “We are exploring everything we can do to work this out, and there seems to be considerable interest. If you go through the history of this, there have been lots of reasons — not excuses, but lots of reasons — this has taken a lot of time. There seems to be now, in the calm of the moment, a lot more interest than we’ve ever seen.”

    Two bids to purchase the team were submitted last week. Canadian businessmen George Gosbee and Anthony LeBlanc in one group, and another headed by Buffalo businessman Derin Pastor. Greg Jamison is still working on a deal, and Matthew Hulsizer is said to be interested again.

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