Quick Hits: Soderberg, Forsberg, buyouts, and Olympics

Mark Easson
2 Min Read
  • Dominic Tiano: “Spoke with an NHL exec last night regarding Carl Soderberg: He feels “Bruins did everything by the book in signing the player” … added “it appears at first glance that the Player’s release from his team is in order” The NHL could reject the transfer of the player or register the contract and would make him eligible to play under NHL rules. The NHL would prefer a negotiated settlement. It would appear the NHL has been involved longer than we believe they have been.”
  • Matias Strozyk: Team Sweden’s GM said to Expressen that he’s seen a document with Carl Soderberg’s expressing his desire to play with the Bruins and not with Team Sweden. Also, “It’s a matter of Swedish competition rules and rules regarding SWE-NHL movement. Players are registered to their club until mid-May.”
  • Jim Diamond: Story in Leksand paper saying that Filip Forsberg is scheduled to arrive in Nashville Saturday afternoon.
  • CapGeek: The NHL confirms that buyouts are 2/3 of salary and not the 100% that some reports are saying.
  • John Shannon: For the 2010 Olympics, it cost $2 million in travel expenses and $6 million for insurance. For the 2014 Sochi Olympics it’s expected to be more than $20 million.
  • David Shoalts: Don Fehr is cautiously optimistic that a deal could get done. He wouldn’t put a time frame on it.
  • David Shoalts: Fasel said that logistics is the biggest issue, and not player insurance. Sochi arena and hotel space is limited.
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