Tomas Kaberle Trade Situation Brewing

Staff Writer
2 Min Read

The Tomas Kaberle potential trade situation appears to be coming down to the wire. This seemingly never ending story will come to an end tomorrow night at midnight one way or the other, but as it stands right now there really isn’t anything new to report.

We will be following the situation closely, and will update any situation that occurs, but for now we wait…

For all the Maple Leaf fans out there, I sure hope Brian Burke knows what he’s doing here. I would think that keeping Kaberle after all of this, and extending his contract beyond next year, isn’t really an option anymore. All the talk of “being professional” and “it’s just business” is just that, talk.

You have to think that Kaberle has already left Toronto emotionally, and to bring him back next season and expect him to be “professional”, is ridiculous.

How would you feel if you were in the same position with your career? You can say that it’s part of being a professional athelete, that it come’s with the territory when you make all that money, but that’s niave. See, once you make all that money it becomes less important, financial worries take a backseat to other concerns, concerns that the majority of the public ignore while focusing on making money themselves.

Respect, Loyalty, Legacy, etc… These are all currencies to appeal to athletes who already have money to give more to the team. How else do you get a bunch of millionaire’s to block 100 mph slapshots with their bodies? I’m not suggesting that Kaberle was the leagues best shot-blocker of course, but there is no doubt that whatever intangibles the Maple Leafs were getting from the man behind the professional died this summer.

With this in mind, I’m inclined to think Tomas Kaberle will be moved tomorrow at some point, the big question will be whether or not Brian Burke get’s the big return he’s been seeking.

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