Tag: Don Fehr

Video: NHL rejects the NHLPAs offer

Clips of Don Fehr's press conference, Michael Grange, Doug McLean and Nick Kypreos give their thoughts on the situation.

Mark Easson

A CBA round up from yesterday’s meetings

Both the NHL and NHLPA made proposals yesterday. After last night's meetings which ended around 1 am: Bob McKenzie via twitter: The NHL and NHLPA may have cut back their numbers in tonight's meetings. 3 owners and few players than…

Mark Easson

Answer to Bettman’s proposal should be known today … NHL may have to be careful who they pick

TSN: The NHLPA will decide today if they will accept Bettman's proposed player-owner meeting. The PA held a conference call late afternoon to go over what went on in the mediation talks, and what they will do going forward. Chris…

Mark Easson

A owners-players meeting without NHL and NHLPA leaders proposed by Bettman

Katie Strang via twitter: Multiple sources are saying that Gary Bettman proposed to Don Fehr a meeting between only the owners and players, without the NHL and NHLPA staff present. Darren Dreger via twitter: Fehr and the PA are considering…

Mark Easson

No progress after two days of mediation … Disclaimer of interest or decertifying could be next step

Pierre LeBrun via twitter: There are no more meetings planned with the mediators. TSN: Bill Daly after the yesterday's meetings: "After spending several hours with both sides over two days, the presiding mediators concluded that the parties remained far apart,…

Mark Easson

Some Don Fehr quotes … Keeping Luongo could be a gamble … Bolland sorry for RT … Shattenkirk to TPS

Tim Panaccio via twitter: From a player source on Fehr's meeting on decertification talk: "it is a serious consideration right now." Stephen Whyno of the Washington Times: Don Fehr updated about 25 players yesterday about were the lockout stands. No bargaining…

Mark Easson

Some Bettman and Fehr quotes … NHLPA numbers … Fallout thoughts from McKenzie, LeBrun and Gulitti

TSN: The NHL rejected the NHLPA's offer yesterday, but Bettman said it was a set in the right direction. "There was movement on some issues by the players' association and that was appreciated," said Bettman. "But we're still far apart.…

Mark Easson

NHLPA submits offer, lunch break, then meet again at 1

The NHL and NHLPA are breaking for lunch, and will meet again at 1 PM. John Shannon via twitter: The NHLPA made a major move towards the owner side. Renaud Lavoie via twitter: Don Fehr: "its an effort about as…

Mark Easson

A proposal could be coming from the NHLPA

Darren Dreger via twitter: There was no proposal from the NHLPA last night. The players hoped for flexibility and will listen to ideas to close the gap. Brandon Worley via twitter: The NHL didn't want to talk about player contracting…

Mark Easson

Where each side sits … Bettman talks

Kevin Allen of the USA Today: Today's meeting will likely include Bill Daly, Gary Bettman, and a small number of owners. Some players are expected to join Don and Steve Fehr. The two sides are a long way from a…

Mark Easson

A 2 week break from CBA talks coming? **Bangs head off table**

Sportsnet: The NHL lockout has dragged on for the last 9 weeks, and they now are discussing a 2 week break. Gary Bettman suggested a 2 week moratorium on the stalled negotiations. Talks have stalled since they met last week…

Mark Easson

Quotes from Gary Bettman, Bill Daly and Don Fehr

John Lu via twitter: Gary Bettman, while Don Fehr was out of the room, said "We're past the point of give and take." Corey Masisak via twitter: Don Fehr: "Players have two interests here. Interest No. 1 is how big the…

Mark Easson