Donnie & Dhali: Don Taylor and Rick Dhaliwal on Vancouver Canucks pending UFA Brock Boeser and as of Monday, they weren’t close to a deal. The trade market for him may not be as big has you think. There is still time to work out a deal. Boeser wants to stay but for seven or eight years and not on a five-year deal.
** transcription
Taylor: “What are you hearing on Brock Boeser?”
Dhaliwal: “They are not close, Donnie. As of morning, they are not close on a contract. They couldn’t cut a deal in eight months, how are they going to cut a deal in five days? Would be shocking to me if they cut a deal in five days.
The two sides continue to talk. Boeser does want to return. He does. He loves it in Vancouver. He does not want to go. Isn’t it interesting, Don, that Quinn Hughes is up in two years, and this guy wants to extend seven, eight years in Vancouver. Like this guy is willing to extend. He likes it here.
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The problem is only playoff teams want Boeser, and most of them are tied up against the cap. Not many of those teams want to cough up a first-round pick for Boeser. The market for Boeser is not as big as some people think it is, simply for that fact. But they’re not close. You either Donnie, you either sign them, trade them, or keep them this week, and all three options are available to the Canucks, all three.”
Taylor: “But isn’t this the time deals get made? Like I’m saying, it wouldn’t be shocking if he was traded, because now, deals get made when there’s pressure. There’s a pressure point …”
Dhaliwal: “Coming up Friday.”
Taylor: “… before, it happens when you’re buying a house and somebody else is involved, whatever the case may be. When, when there’s pressure on, that’s when deals get made. I go the other way. I think I wouldn’t be shocked if he got dealt just because that deadline is coming up. If the conducts don’t trade him then, and I know they can sign him in the offseason, or at least before the UFA period kicks in. They risk losing him for nothing.”
Dhaliwal: “For nothing. For nothing. For nothing. Well, but they’re going to get a playoff round out of it, Donnie. They’re going to get a playoff …”
Taylor: “They are?”
Dhaliwal: “Well, hey, if they make the playoff, there’s no guarantee they’re going to make the playoffs, Don. Like when …”
Taylor: “They’re out of a playoff spot as we speak.”
Dhaliwal: “And when they come back Thursday, St Louis, Utah and Calgary, all three could be ahead of them for all we know. All three could be ahead of them.
But back, like for Boeser, just be prepared. But I ask you, eight months, Don, eight months they’ve had to sign him, and we’re going down to the final five days, and I got no progress report morning. I am telling you they are not close.”
Taylor: “I don’t think that’s surprising. The pressure is really on, right?”
Dhaliwal: “They signed Marcus Pettersson in five days, Don, and they’ve been at it with this guy for eight months. Like, come on, there’s got to be something there.”
Taylor: “That’s a different price point, though.”
Dhaliwal: “The price point, ah, I …”
Taylor: “It’s the same price. point?”
Dhaliwal: “No, it’s not the same price point. But come on, the guy was here five days and they gave him a long-term deal. This guy’s been here for nine-plus years, and they’re taking it down to the wire.”
Taylor: “Does he still want to be here, even though some disrespect there, maybe?”
Dhaliwal: “You are correct on that. At times during the negotiations, he’s felt disrespected. But I was told this morning that he wants to return. He does love it in Vancouver.
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But it’s all about term. It’s not money, it’s not money, it’s the term. Canucks are at five years? And he wants seven or eight.”
Taylor: “Ray Ferraro on the show last week saying, if it’s eight for eight or probably eight times eight, no way does he do it? No. with all due respect to Brock Boeser.”
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